Our online museums
The Association
Occitanie Musées is the Association of Curators and Scientific Personnel of the Occitanie Museums. It brings together scientific staff from the Museums of France and cultural and heritage establishments in the Occitanie region. It integrates more than a hundred professionals in all areas of museum activity (management, conservation, mediation, documentation etc.). The Association is the regional arm of the AGCCPF (The national Association of curators and Museum professionals and the public heritage sites of France)


Editor of the site musees-occitanie.fr

Site created in 2009

The “musees-occitanie.fr” site is the property of Occitanie Musées – Association of Curators and Scientific Staff of Occitan Museums,

Headquarters: Musée Ingres, 19 rue de l’Hotel de Ville 82000 Montauban

Email address: association@musees-occitanie.fr

The texts and illustrations presented on this site are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code.

The site “musees-occitanie.fr” is a work protected by French law, of which Occitanie Musées – Association of Curators and Scientific Personnel of Museums of Occitanie is the author within the meaning of articles L.111-1 and following of the Code. of intellectual property.

– The contents of the site are developed in collaboration with the museums. All authors’ rights (of texts, photographs and photographed works or objects) are reserved.

In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, each museum is responsible for the texts, images and contributions that it puts online and remains responsible for the rights of the related authors.

– All or part of the site may not be reproduced, republished, transcribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior written permission of Occitanie Musées ; only individual and private consultation and reproduction, in accordance with Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, are authorized.

– Any other use, in particular commercial or advertising, is a priori excluded or must be the subject of a written request to Occitanie Musées.

– Photographic credits: The copyright holders (economic rights and moral rights) are mentioned in copyright in the pages of the site presenting the illustrations.

Publication Director : The current President of Occitanie Musées – Association of Curators and Scientific Staff of Occitanie Museums

Editorial Committee
Occitanie Musées Internet Commission – Association of Curators and Scientific Staff of Occitanie Museums

Project manager and site administrator
Nathalie Boudet, project manager of the Association

Site design & production

Steering committee
Occitanie Musées Internet Commission – Association of Curators and Scientific Staff of Occitan Museums

Design / production of the site and the content management tool
Faire Savoir www.faire-savoir.com


Technical service providers

Site hosting:
Faire Savoir

Domain names:

Translation :
Jane Jeanneteau